Monday, June 04, 2012

Waldorf Doll for Sale

So one of my dolls sold at the Silent Auction for my son's school, but the other did not.  I was a little surprised that "Caryn" did not even get one bid.   I did notice that when they packaged everything up in plastic, the doll was hard to see.  So I am now going to try and sell the doll myself.

There are so many options: Ebay, Big Cartel, Etsy, my local green store, or my blog.  I have no idea where I start.  If I start a Big Cartel shop or an Etsy Shop, I feel like I should really try and make more to make it worth it (since they are shops).  If I sell on Ebay I guess I can just sell only the one doll and I don't have to sell others.

I think Waldorf dolls have a very specific market, and I don't know if I live in that market. I think I'll try on my blog first.  You can see pictures on my Flickr site.  The doll comes with clothes, info, care card, and birth certificate.

Caryn $150 Sale $100+ shipping (US only)

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Silent Auction Babies

My son's school is having a silent auction to raise money for their enrichment, arts, and traditional programs that LAUSD has cut.  We are so lucky to be a part of a school that each year finds a way, by donations and the Colfax World Fair, to keep these amazing programs going.  I decided to try and do my part.  We don't have much in way of extra money, so I am using my craftiness to hopefully raise some money for the school.  Every bit helps.

I named them Caryn and Portia and made birth certificates and care cards.  This has been a real labor of love, especially since I couldn't move my neck to sew for over 6 weeks.  After making the first doll, I took a break to do other stuff.  But then I woke up a few weeks later with a bulging disc.  I was in so much pain- unable to move or sew.  Physical therapy helped and I was able to finish the second.  I still have pain (and now have pulled something in my lower back), but I have passed off the dolls to the silent auction coordinators. 

I feel like I have learned so much with these two, but I still have a lot more to learn.  I can't wait to try them out!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

New Years Resolutions?

This year I vowed that I would do a few things.  First, I would exercise and second, I would get my house organized.  I have started getting organized...or at least getting rid of things that have not been worn, played with, or touched in over a year.  The exercise part still eludes me.  Well instead of exercising today, I made delicious baked goods.   So, so far I've done the exact opposite of what I've set out to do.  I had a couple of zucchini and a sweet potato that I needed to use.  Zucchini bread was a no brainer.  I use a pretty standard recipe from All Recipes.  Sometimes I add apples, but this time I just added them to the top.