So I made my first pair of wool soakers. It took me about 2 days. I worked on them primarily when I put my son to bed at night or naps. I'm happy with how they look and fit. I did mess up on the waistband in the back. I forgot that I used size 9 needles to make the band, and when I got to the back just used the size 5 needles I was knitting the body with. Since knitted wool stretches, I am not concerned. I might try and make a newborn size, which should take me less time than these did. It would be a good cover for some of my non-waterproof diapers.
All in all I'm excited to try them out tonight. I should be able to let them air out in the mornings and use them again at night. I hear that they shouldn't need to be washed for about 2 weeks since wool is naturally anti-microbial and wicking.
I might try knitting a square next, felting it, and cutting a soaker pattern out to sew. We'll see how much time I have.
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